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marsupial dragon(Draco Marsupialis)

Marsupial Dragon
Genus: Draco
Species: Marsupialis




Coloration: Green or blue with brownish-yellow underparts
Range: Southeastern Australia and Patagonia

The Marsupial Dragon(Draco marsupialis.) is a southeast Australian dragon from the Blue Mountains whose bounding gait(30 feet in one jump) makes it easy to spot at a distance.


They are 15 to 18 feet high and 25 feet long. Coloration is green or sometimes blue. Males have a roaring grunt while females do not vocalize. They eat and take large marsupials. Lairs are likely to be in rocky caves or boulder mounds and some have been seen deliberately causing rockfalls for this purpose, however they rest under eucalyptus trees during the day. They can breathe fire but more often breathe blue smoke or box with their fists. They live in communal groups with one male and five or six females. Unlike the Tasmanian Dragon, they are not true marsupials as they still lay eggs. The eggs hatches and the "joey" enters the mother's pouch, where it feeds on her milk.


  • They communicate by flicking their ears and drumming their feet.
  • They are generally the friendliest dragons.
  • The most famous dragon of this species, Old Hoppy had lived up to the age of 95 years old.


Patagonian Marsupial Dragon.
